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Jinan MBA Joins AMBA Global AMBAssador Programme

Xun Sallis, Global AMBAssador of Jinan University, attended the Global Leadership Conference 2014 held between 6-9th Feb 2014 in Nantes, France.  Over 30 Global AMBAssadors from 20 top MBA schools in the world gathered in Audencia School of Management, Nantes and participated in discussions about how to promote the AMBA Global AMBAssador programme, surrounding the topic of Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship”.

Association of MBAs (AMBA), the international impartial authority on postgraduate business education, was established in the UK in 1967. It is recognized as one of the main 3 business education accreditation organizations and one of the most reputable accreditation systems across the globe. Since its establishment AMBA has worked relentlessly to promote the development of MBA and MBA Programme, with its current member schools amount to over 200 around the world.


AMBA Global AMBAssador Programme is a new initiative launched in 2012 and creates a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing and engagement with MBAs, business leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators across the world. The Global AMBAssadors promote the accredited MBA and provide a supportive worldwide network for a new generation of MBAs who will inspire, connect and grow the MBA community internationally. AMBA Global Leadership Conference is the annual event that embodies the value of this programme. 


School of Management in Jinan University joins the AMBA Global AMBAssador Programme for the first time in 2014 and sent Xun Sallis from SiMBA2012 class as the first AMBAssador representing the School to attend this Global Leadership Conference. Being one of the only 3 top business schools from mainland China participated in this programme, it is evidence that the School is fully supportive of AMBA and its initiation, and that the School is committed in providing stronger international MBA communication and cooperations for our MBA students and alumni.


AMBAssadors from various elite business schools around the world were joined by the top management team of AMBA and their guests which included international leaders from business and academic fields as well as many well-known innovators and entrepreneurs around the world. Conference delivered fascinating speeches such as the power of innovation in a changing economic climate, creating product and business from concept and idea, maximizing PR and communication opportunities. Previous AMBAssadors also shared with the new ones their opportunity, challenge and success stories in the past. During the last day participants and organizers discussed and decided on the action plan this year and the direction of AMBAssador Programme for the future. Xun Sallis stated the interest of improving international student exchange and promoting academic engagement with other top business schools on behalf of Jinan University MBA. Mr. Andrew main Wilson, CEO of AMBA, expressed his support for this and promised to provide AMBA’s assistance whenever possible.


The AMBA Global AMBAssador Programme is important to the Management School of Jinan University because it has lifted Jinan MBA to a brand new level. This international MBA platform will surely become a new bridge which will actively bring Jinan MBA closer to other elite business schools and their networks.