Haiquan CHEN
Tel :020-85227800
Strategic Behaviors of Circulation Enterprises, Circulation Model Innovation, Logistics and Supply Chain Management. And focusing on the Integrated Development of E-commerce and Logistics, Formation Mechanism of Modern Distribution Wholesalers and Its Cultivation Research in recent years.

Ph.D. in Comprehensive Policy (Operating Policy Direction) from Graduate School of Chuo University, Japan
1.Low Price Strategy and Sustainable Development of Electric Appliances Chain Stores in China ,International Journal of Business Strategy , International Academy of Business and Economics (USA), 2007.11
2. Mechanism for Independent Innovation of Modern Circulation Industry and Guangdong's Practical Experience, Economics of Finance & Trade, April 2009
3. Essence of the Theory of Ecological Niche and the Strategic Significance of Its Application in Our Country's Retail Enterprises, Commercial Economy and Management, December 2005
4. Track for High-speed Growth of Our Country's Enterprises of Chain Stores for Household Appliances and Their Growth Mechanism, Commercial Economy and Management, April 2007
5. International Comparison of the Low-price Strategies of Enterprises of Chain Stores for Household Appliances and Lessons Drawn from It, Reform, April 2007
6. Reason for Lagging of Development of Large-scale Retail Enterprises in Guangzhou and the Thinking to Administer It, Journal of Jinan University (Social Science), September 2007
International conference thesis:
1. Management Innovation and Development of Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships for Large Electric Appliances Chain Stores in China, Proceedings of the 2008 International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security, IEEE Computer Society, 2008.8 (collected by EI, ISTP and ISSHP)
2. The Role of IT in Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Global Retailing Companies, IEEE Symposium on Advanced Management of Information for Globalized Enterprises, IEEE Computer Society, 2008.9 (collected by EI, ISTP and ISSHP)
3. The Mechanism of High-Speed Growth of Home Electric Appliances Chain Stores in China: Approach on the Resource-Based View. Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Innovation and Management-ICIM2008, Japan, 2007.12 (collected by ISTP and ISSHP)
4. Management Innovation of Large Electric Appliances Chain Stores in China in the Information Age, Proceedings of The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, Alfred University Press (USA), 2008.5 (collected by ISTP and ISSHP)
5. The Mechanism of Integrated Distribution Services Based on Supply Chain Management: Case Study on Hong Kong IDS Group, Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Innovation and Management, UNU-MERIT, 2008.12 (collected by ISTP and ISSHP)
6. Scientific & Technological Achievements Transformation and Intermediary Organizations Construction: Japanese Experience and Learning of Industry-Academia-Government collaboration, The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2011), Vols1-6, Pages 3207-3211 (collected by ISSHP)
7. Study on Retailers' Optimal Order Quantity under Double Excitation, The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2011) Vols1-6, Pages 1043-1046 (collected by ISSHP)
Teaching thesis:
1. Interactive Operational Control Teaching Model and Classroom Teaching Reform, Proceedings of 2008 International Seminar on Education Management and Engineering, M&D FORUM ,2008 (10) (collected by ISSHP)
2. Study on the Innovation Talent of Distribution Industry in Chinese University. CONFERENCE ON CREATIVE EDUCATION(CCE2011) Pages: 358-361 (collected by ISSHP)
1. Strategic Innovation of Japan's Circulation Enterprises: Evolution Mechanism of Innovative Enterprises, Japan Overseas Chinese Press, April 2004 (Independent Author)
2. Research Report on Development of Productive Service Industry in Guangdong Province, Economic Science Press, September 2009 (Editor in Chief)
3. Research Report on Competitive Power of Guangdong's Circulation Industry, Social Science Academic Press, January 2008 (Compiler)
4. Reader on Logistics Industry Knowledge, Economic Science Press, January 2012 (Compiler)
5. Science in Retailing, Jinan University Press, July 2012 (Compiler)
6. Innovative Vitality Mechanism of Chinese Enterprise Organizations, Chuo University Press, March 2006 (In Japanese, participator)
7. Strategy to Promote Commodity Trading Market to Upgrade and Transform to International Procurement Center - Guangdong's Reform Ideas, China Commodity Market Development Report (2011) [M], Social Sciences Press, September 2011, Pages 66-79
8. Integrated Distribution Services: Innovative Mechanisms and Practices of Hong Kong Li & Fung, Chinese Circulation Theoretical Frontiers (6) Social Sciences Academic Press, March 2011, Pages 213-226
Research reports adopted by the governments above the provincial level:
1. Ideas and Countermeasures on Vigorously Promoting the Construction of Guangdong's Modern Circulation Great Business District [R]. Achievements adopted by the programmatic document Decision on Accelerating the Construction of a Modern Industrial System of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee and the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, May 2008.
2. E-commerce and Modern Logistics Combining New Model Explored by Guangdong Oupu Steel Logistics [R]. Achievements adopted by the Guangdong Provincial Economic and Trade Commission and the Ministry of Commerce of China, August 2009
3. Research on Guangdong - Hong Kong Logistics Fusion Development, Achievements adopted by Guangdong Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, 2008. Research achievements submitted by the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission to the Office of the Provincial Mind Emancipation Learning and Discussion Leading Group ([Y. J. M. J. G.][2008] No. 22), some of these viewpoints adopted by The Decision of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee and Guangdong Provincial People's Government on Striving to Be a Vanguard in Practicing the Scientific Concept of Development (June 2008).
4. Integrated Development Actions Implementing Program of Guangdong Provincial Production Service and Manufacturing, adopted by the Guangdong Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission and meanwhile some of these viewpoints adopted by the 12th Five-Year Development Plan of Guangdong Provincial Production Service.
5. Strategic Positioning and Implementation Programs of Guangdong International Procurement Centre, achievements adopted by the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, and respectively adopted and implemented by the document of Guangdong Provincial People's Government Office: Implementation Views on Accelerating the Construction of Guangdong Commodities International Procurement Centre (Y. B. H. [2011 ] No. 455) as well as Guangdong Provincial Economy and Information Commission: Interim Measures for Constructing and Managing Guangdong Commodities International Procurement Centre (Y. J. X. S. C. [2011] No. 2050).
6. Research Report on Guangdong Provincial E-commerce Development (including study on three successful cases of e-commerce business: Global Market Network, Dream Bazaar, and China Express), some viewpoints of the research achievements adopted by the Opinions of Guangdong Provincial People's Government Office on Accelerating the Development of E-commerce(Y. F. B. [2012] No. 131).
MBA casesselected to China Case Library :
Hong Kong Li & Fung - Integrated Distribution Mode and Its Innovative Way, 2012, selected to the Case Library of Chinese Case Management Sharing Center.
Consulting Projects
1. Study on Raising Competitiveness of the Circulation Industry, Project of the National Fund for Social Science, 2005-2010
2. Theoretical and Empirical Research on the Formation of Modern Wholesale & Distribution Organization as well as on the Cultivation of Emerging Intermediate Circulation Businessmen, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of Ministry of Education, 2011-2012, (Project No.: 11YJAZH009).
3. Institutional Space and Path Selection on Promoting the Development of Modern Service Industry in Guangdong, Humanities and Social Sciences Major Research Projects of the Universities in Guangdong Province, 2012.
4. Project of Guangdong Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission, and also project of Guangdong Provincial Special Funds for the Development of Modern Circulation Industry, Research on Strategic Positioning and Implementation Program for Building Guangdong International Procurement Centre, 2010 - 2011.
5. Project of Guangdong Provincial Special Funds for Modern Service Industry, Research on Strategic Choice and Fiscal Policy for Promoting the Great Development of Modern Circulation Industry of Guangdong (Y. J. X. S. C. [2012] No. 883, and Y. C. G. [2012] No. 534).
6. Ideas and Countermeasures on Vigorously Promoting the Construction of Guangdong's Modern Circulation Great Business District (Y. J. M. [2008] No.561), Commissioned by: Guangdong Provincial Economic and Commercial Committee (Major and Important Research Subject Assigned by the Provincial Party Committee), 2008.4-2008.6. (Achievements adopted by the programmatic document (Opinions on Facilitating the Construction of Modern Industrial System) of the People's Government of Guangdong Province)
7. Major research topic of Guangdong Provincial Economic and Trade Commission on Research on Strengthening Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to Promote the Development of Producer Services of Guangdong Province (Y. J. M. [2008] No. 600), 2008.
8. Project of Guangdong Provincial Economic and Trade Commission Feasibility Study on a Promotion Platform for the Development of Guangdong Province's Retailing Industry, 2008.
9. Strategic Research on Development of China and Japan's Circulation Enterprises, Project of the Ministry of Education, 2005-2008
10. Strategic Research on Integrated Development of Guangdong's Producer Services and Advanced Manufacturing, Soft science key guiding project of Guangdong Province), 2010-2012
11. Feasibility Study Report for the Development Promotion Platform of Guangdong's Retail Industry, Commissioned by: Guangdong Provincial Economic and Commercial Committee, 2007-2008
12. Research on Logistics Integration & Development of Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao, Commissioned by: Guangdong Provincial Economic and Commercial Committee, 2008.2-2009.7
13. Structural Adjustment Implementation Programs for the Circulation Industry of Guangdong Province (revised report), Commissioned by: Guangdong Provincial Economic and Trade, 2008
14. Report on Development of Guangdong's Productive Service Industry, Commissioned by: Guangdong Provincial Economic and Commercial Committee, 2008.12-2009.8
15. Positioning, Spatial Layout and Policy Design of Collaboration of Modern Service Industry of Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao, Commissioned by: Guangdong Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, 2009
16. Research on Positioning of Guangzhou International Commodity Exhibition & Trade City (Commissioned by: Government of Panyu District; acted as leading researcher), 2007
17. Development Project for Commercial Networks of Tangxia Town of Dongguan, Commissioned by: the People's Government of Tangxia Town of Dongguan, 2008.9-11
18. Development Project for Modern Logistics of Xinhui District of Jiangmen, Commissioned by: the People's Government of Xinhui District, Jiangmen, 2008.9-2009.1
19. Research Report on Competitiveness of the Catering Industry and Retail Industry of Dongguan, Commissioned by: the People's Government of Dongguan, 2008.9-2009.7
20. Development Project for Commercial Networks and Logistics of Commerce & Trade of Chashan Town of Dongguan, Commissioned by: the People's Government of Chashan Town of Dongguan, 2009.3-2009.12
21. Planning of Commercial Networks of Zhangmutou Town of Dongguan, Commissioned by: the People's Government of Zhangmutou Town of Dongguan, 2009.7-2009.12
22. Planning of Commercial Networks of Daojiao Town of Dongguan, Commissioned by: the People's Government of Daojiao Town of Dongguan, 2009.7-2009.12
23. Development Project for Foodstuff Industry of Daojiao Town of Dongguan, Commissioned by: the People's Government of Daojiao Town of Dongguan, 2009.5-2010.7
24. Planning of Commercial Networks of Shijie Town of Dongguan, Commissioned by: the People's Government of Shijie Town of Dongguan, 2009.5-2009.12
25. Exchange Platform for Logistics Information of Guangzhou and Hong Kong, Commissioned by: Guangzhou Zhuozhi Logistics Service Co., Ltd., 2008
26. Research on Strategic Collaboration of the Logistics Project between Guangzhou Jinyuefeng Grocery Development Co., Ltd. and Toyota Tsusho Co., Ltd. (Japan), Commissioned by: Guangzhou Jinyuefeng Grocery Co., Ltd., 2009
27. Positioning and Feasibility Study of China International Industrial Raw Materials (Fittings) Trade & Logistics Center, China Market, 2009
28. Research on the Development of Jiangmen's Modern Logistics Industry and Jiangmen's Logistics Collaboration with Surrounding Cities, Commissioned by: Guangdong Institute of Modern Logistics, 2010.1-2010.8
29. Research on Corporate Governance and Organizational Dynamics of Chinese Enterprises (Project of International Cooperation between Japan and China), 2004-2009
30. Logistics Platform for Guangzhou's Common Delivery of Foodstuff Cold Link, Commissioned by: Guangzhou Jinyuefeng Grocery Co., Ltd., 2008
31. The 12th Five-Year Modern Service Industry Development Plan of Panyu District + Research on Panyu District's Headquarters Economic Development Strategy, Commissioned by: the Development and Reform Bureau of Panyu District, 2011
32. Development Plan of Modern Logistics Industry of Jiujiang Town and Strategy Research on Nanhai West Logistics Planning and Joint Development, the Government of Jiujiang Town of Nanhai District of Foshan, 2012
33. Implementation Program for Huangpu District to Create a National E-commerce Demonstration Base, Commissioned by: the Economy and Trade Bureau of Huangpu District, 2012
34. Development Plan of E-commerce Gathering Area in Huadihe of Liwan of Guangzhou, Commissioned by: the Economy and Trade Bureau of Liwan, 2012
35. Feasibility Report on International Logistics Park Project in Zhangcha of Foshan, Commissioned by: Foshan Public Assets Management Company, 2010
36. Development Plan for E-commerce in Shunde District of Foshan (2013-2020), Commissioned by: Shunde District Promotion Bureau of Economic and Technology, 2012
37. Feasibility Study Report on the project of Guangzhou Tianyun Nansha Multifunctional International Logistics Center, commissioned by: Guangzhou Cazenove International Logistics Co., Ltd., 2011 (raising and investment project of a listed company)
38. Research on Upgrading and Transformation of Grandbuy Group's Professional Market Segment, commissioned by: Grandbuy Group, 2010
Global supply chain management, multinational business management, and science in retailing