Shijun CHENG
Tel :020-85221432
The role of accounting information in management control and corporate governance

Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Pittsburgh, U.S.A
1. The market for corporate control and CEO compensation: Complements or substitutes? (with R. Indjejikian), Contemporary Accounting Research, 26 (2009): 701-728.
2. Board size and the variability of corporate performance, Journal of Financial Economics, 87 (2008): 157-176.
3. Insider trades and private information: A special case of delayed-disclosure (with V. Nagar and M. Rajan), The Review of Financial Studies, 20 (2007): 1833-1864.
4. Identifying control motives in managerial ownership: Evidence from antitakeover legislation (with V. Nagar and M. Rajan), The Review of Financial Studies, 18 (2005): 637 - 672.
5. R&D expenditures and CEO compensation, The Accounting Review, 79 (2004): 305 – 328.
Consulting Projects
1. Editorial board member, Contemporary Accounting Research, 2010-
2. Editorial board member, China Journal of Accounting Research (published in English by LexisNexis), 2008-Present
3. Ad hoc referee for leading journals including: The Accounting Review; Contemporary Accounting Research; Journal of Accounting and Economics; Journal of Accounting Research; Review of Accounting Studies; Journal of International Business Studies; Academy of Management Journal; Management Science; Journal of Finance
Managerial Accounting, Corporate Governance and Accounting