Jun HU
Tel :85220001
Industrial Economy and Organization, Corporate Culture and Cross-culture Management, Competitiveness of Guangdong's Economy and Industries

Master in Economics from Jinan University, China
Representative Theses:
1. Brief Discussion on the Macro-control of Work Force Flow, Velocity of Flow and Flow Rate, Economic Study, 7th Volume, 1986
2. Managerial Pattern and Cultural Foundation of Enterprises Owned by Chinese: Initial Results of the Empirical Research Based on Cases Collected From Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, Management World, 12th Volume, 2002
3. Labor Concentrated Industries Under Transformation: Industrialization, Structural Adjustment and China's Accession to the WTO, China Industrial Economics, 6th Volume, 2006
4. Social Capital Structure and Innovation of SMEs, Management World, 7th Volume, 2005
5. Path Selection for Sustained Growth of OEM Enterprises in the Pearl River Delta: From the Perspective Based on Outsourcing System of the Global Value Chain, China Industrial Economics, 8th Volume, 2005
Representative Works:
1. Economic Integration of the South China Area, Jinan University Press, 1996
2. Cross-culture Management (2nd Edition), Jinan University Press, 2004
Consulting Projects
1. Research on the Competitiveness of Guangdong's Industries
2. Research on the Construction of Mechanisms for Harmonious and Interactive Regional Developments With Chinese Characteristics
3. Research on Competitiveness of Guangdong's High-tech Industry
4. Strategic Research on the Technological Development of Guangdong's Information Industry
5. Research on the Problem of Guangdong's Industrial Sustainable Development
6. Research on Prospect of and Countermeasures for Foreign Capital Utilization of Panyu District During the 10th Five-Year Plan
7. Planning Blue Book for Personnel Culture of the Local Taxation System of Guangdong Province
8. Research on the Control & Attendance Systems of Guangdong's Sailing Courses
9. Cultural Foundation for Management and Research of It From the Perspective of Organizational Behavior
MBA Module: Corporate Management
EMBA Module: Corporate Culture and Corporate Management