Yuming HU
Tel :020-85220178
Capital Market and Corporate Finance and Strategic Managerial Accounting

Ph.D. in Economics (Accounting) from Xiamen University, China
1. China Management Accounting Theory and Practice: Past, Present and Future, New Accounting, 2015
2. Enhancing “Chinese Factors” in Management Accounting Theory Study, Finance and Accounting, 2015
3. Who Is incented by the Internal Pay Gap of State-owned Enterprises? Economic Research, Vol. 12, the end of 2012.
4. Enterprise Cost Stickiness: Literature Review and Prospect, Accounting Research, Vol. 9, 2011.
5. Business Management Accounting Theory and Method Research Framework: Basic Concept and Expected Breakthrough, Finance & Accounting Communication, Vol. 4, 2011.
6. Balanced Score Card: Strategic Performance Evaluation Concept, Friends of Accounting, Vol. 4, 2010.
7. Theory and Practice of China's Management Accounting: 1978 to 2008, Accounting Research, Vol. 9, 2008.
8. Economic Value Added: The Insight to Recognize Value Created by Enterprises or Destroy Them, Finance and Accounting, Vol. 6, 2008.
9. Comments on Xuying Yu's Academic Thinking of Management Accounting, Finance & Accounting Communication, Vol. 9, 2008.
Consulting Projects
1.“Appraisal and Motivation Control Based on Strategic Performance”, the curriculum development project between World Bank and Xiamen National Accounting Institute
2.“China Business Management Accounting Theory and Method Research”, the key project of Natural Science Foundation of China
3.“Enterprise Performance Evaluation System Design and Field Research Based on Core Competence”, the project of Natural Science Foundation of China
Manager's Accounting (EMBA)