Jinyi LI
Tel :020-85221890
Commercial Law, Business Ethics, Strategic Management, Corporate Culture Management, Employee Relationship Management

Master in Law from Southwest University, China
1. 2013 Li Jinyi Ge Su Relationship betwee Work-familly Conflict and Job Burnout for Female Employees China Business and Trade
2. 2013 Li Jinyi and Ge Su Ethnic Risk Dilemma and Solutions for Human Resources in the Context of Modern Enterprise Stratification Leadership Science
3. Xiao Shengfang Li Jinyi (Work) Practice Interpretation of Lawyer’s Service Marketing Strategy—from “the Sun” to “Shenglun” (Revised Edition) China Legal Publishing House
4.2013, Zhang,W.,Xia,X.,Li,J.,2014.Comparison of energy and environmental regulations for thermal power plants in China. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 135, 1221-1227. (SCI)
5. 2014 Li Jinyi Yang Yongli Risk for Users’ Participation in Products Innovation and its Management, Innovation and Startup Management 10th Volume
6.2015,Jinyi Li, Jing Li, Game Analyses of Reputation Model on Cooperation of Employees in Probation Period and Formal Work Stage, Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2015,3,74-79
Consulting Projects
Standing Director of Chinese Ethnic law Culture Study
1. 2015 CSSC Huangpu Wechong Shipbuilding Company (fully-owned subsidiary of public company China Ship Building Defense): Special legal advisor for state-owned equity transfer of subsidiary.
2. 2013, 2014 Foshan Nanhai Bao Yidi Music Instruments Company (fully foreign owned by Belgian EMD): Speical legal advisor for industrial land transfer, foreign nationals’ land/plant gift and inheritance affairs.
3. 2013, 2014 Guangdong Tianbi Ceramics Compnay (private enterprise): Special legal advisor for PE investment, industrial land acquisition, equity acquisition affairs.
1. EMBA Business Law and Business Environment,
2. MBA, Enterprises’ Social Responsibility and Busines Ethics