Congdong LI
Tel :0756-8505200
Modern Industrial Engineering, Integrated Management & Enterprise Informatization and Service Management

Ph.D. in Management from Tianjin University, China
Thesis published in2011-2013
1.Congdong Li (supervisor), Tian Xie, Yongli Tang. GMVN oriented S-BOX knowledge expression and reasoning framework. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2013, 1 (SCI Source,Published online).
2.Congdong Li, Tian Xie and Yongli Tang. Manufacturing System Knowledge Representation and On-demand Service Process Reasoning Framework Based on SWRL [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (EI Source) 2013, 19(1): 187-198.
3.Congdong Li, Tian Xie, Yongli Tang and Haomin Li, S-BOX Knowledge Representation and Reasoning System Facing to Cloud Manufacturing Service [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (EI Source), 2012, 18(7):1469-1484.
4.Congdong Li, Tian Xie and Yi Liu. Cloud Emergency Managing- Intelligent Emergency Management New Model [J]. Emergency Management of China, 2011, 53(5): 27-32.
5.Congdong Li and Tian Xie, etc. Emergency Knowledge Representation and Chained Evolution Reasoning [J]. Journal of Information (CSSCI Source), 2012(5): 55-62.
6.Congdong Li, Yuxiang Hong and Tian Xie. Study on Group Negative Dynamic Mechanism Based on System Dynamics [J]. Journal of Information (CSSCI Source), having been applied.
7.Congdong Li, Jun Li, Can Liao, Tian Xie, Zhenghui Chen. The Workflow Selection Reasoning Framework of Collaborative Manufacturing System Based on SWRL. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Emergency Management and Management Sciences. 2012:165-171
8.Cejun Cao, Qin Yang and Congdong Li. Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization on the Scheduling Problem of Classrooms in Universities [J]. Computer Application Research, 2012,29(12):4451-4454
9.Congdong Li and Tian Xie. The Workflow Selection Reasoning Framework of Collaborative Manufacturing System Based on SWRL[C]. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Emergency Management and Management Sciences. 2012.8.
10.Congdong Li, Yuxiang Hong and Yongli Tang. Study on Total Solution of Wind Power Industry Value Chain of China [J]. Scientific and Technological Progress and Countermeasures, 2012(3):74-79. Date of Issue: February 10, 2012.
11.Congdong Li, Yi Liu and Can Liao. Study on Emergency Logistics and Chinese Emergency Logistics Information System Construction [J]. Business Studies, 2012, 01: 197-201. Date of Issue: January 10, 2012.
12.Can Liao, Jianmin Li and Pei Liu. Discussion on Reverse Logistics Mechanism of Emergency Products Based on Game Theory [J]. Science and Technology Management Research, 2012(10):225-228. Date of Issue: May 23, 2012.
13.Congdong Li, Yang Gao and Yinghong Zhao. Study on Situation Fitness in Emergency Management [J]. Journal of Xidian University (Social Science),2012,22(3):40-46. Date of Issue: May 25, 2012.
14.Yi Liu and Congdong Li. Construction and Perfection of Emergency Industry Management System: International Experience and Enlightenment [J]. Reform, 2012(6):32-36. Date of Issue: June 15, 2012.
15.Hanxiao Zheng and Yong Du. Study on Water Environmental Capacity of Chinese Cities under the Strategy of Sustainable Development [J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences,2012(09):5478-5480. Date of Issue: March 20, 2012.
Ellipsis for 2008-2010
1.Congdong Li, Yi Liu, Jiangang Cheng, Study on Service Supply Chain, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Beijing, 2008/10, 2263-2268. (EI20090111840513)
2.Tao Han, Congdong Li, Yue Wang, Research on Life Mechanism-surpassed Firm Evolution Model and its Micro Path, Modern Management Science , 2008.10
3.Jiangang Cheng and Congdong Li. Research Overview of Service Supply Chain, Modern Management Science, 2008, 9: 101-102
4.Xiwang Zhu, Congdong Li, Bo Wang, etc. Public Project Evaluation from the Perspectives of the Stakeholders Satisfaction and Social Environmental Impacts, IEEE Wicom08, Dalian, 2008/10. (EI090111834679)
5.Tao Han and Congdong Li, Study on Intelligent Expressway Maintenance System, IEEE Wicom08, Dalian, 2008/10. (EI20090111834952)
6.Meilong Xie, Congdong Li and Jie Chen, System Dynamics Simulation to Support Decision Making in Software Development Project, IEEE Wicom08, Dalian, 2008/10. (EI20090111834675)
7.Linqi Gao and Congdong Li. Hybrid Personalized Recommended Model Based on Genetic Algorithm, IEEE Wicom08, Dalian, 2008/10. (EI20090111835004)
8.Zuo, XM; Li, CD; Zhang, L, Research on Vendor Evaluation Index System Based on Electronic Business,Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-business, Vol. I-III - Unlocking the Full Potential of Global Technology,May 31-June 01, 2008 Wuhan (ISTP Search: BIN83)
9.Xiwang Zhu, Congdong Li, Bo Wang, Xinyue Hu and Jiangang Cheng. Fuzzy Evaluation of the Social and Environmental Impacts of Multi-purpose Public Projects Involving Multiple Stakeholders. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2008), Dalian, China, 2008/07. (ISTP Search: BIH81).
10.Xiwang Zhu, Congdong Li, Bo Wang, Xinyue Hu and Jiangang Cheng. Social and Environmental Impacts Evaluation of Henan TV Tower Involving Multiple Stakeholders. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference Neural Networks and Signal Processing (IEEE-ICNNSP2008), Zhenjiang, China, 2008/06. (EI Search: 083911594756).
11.Jun Du and Congdong Li. The Associated Analysis of Industry R&D Resources Structure, to GDP Contribution Based on the Theory of Grey System, Science and Technology Management Research, 2009.5: 187-189.CSSCI.
12.Meilong Xie and Congdong Li. A Study on the Management Efficiency of Discrete Software Outsourcing Project in EDS Inc Journal of Shandong University of Finance, 2009.2
13.Meilong Xie, Congdong Li and Tianshu Zhu. Management Performance Evaluation Method for American Insurance Group Outsourced Software Development Projects, Journal of Xidian University (Social Science),2009.1
14.Jiangang Cheng and Congdong Li. A Novel Modeling Method for Logistics Service Supply Chains, Industrial Engineering Journal, 2009, 1(12): 111-115 (INSPEC Search Journal)
15. Jiangang Cheng and Congdong Li. Study on the Network Optimization Model and Its Solution of Service Supply Chain, Journal of UEST of China (Social Science),, 2009, 1(11): 61-64;
16. Jiangang Cheng, Congdong Li and Yongli Tang. Discussion On Cross-industry Links of Supply Chains under Industry Integration, Modern Management Science, 2008 (8): 28-30
17. Congdong Li, Kai Shen and Yongli Tang. Study on Reformation of Public Hospital Drug Compensation under New Medical Reformation, Chinese Journal OF Pharmaceutical Technology Economics & Management, 2009, 7
18. Congdong Li, Kai Shen and Yongli Tang. A Study of Internal and External Governance of Compensation System on Public Non-profit Hospital, Modern Hospital, 2009, 7
19. Kai Shen and Congdong Li. Risk Management in Chinese Pharmaceutical Supply Chain, Journal of Xidian University (Social Science), 2009, 19 (3): 98-103
20. Congdong Li and Zhiying Xu. Constructing System Model of Enterprise Relationship Management Based on Data Mining, Modern Management Science, 2009.8
21. Bo Wang, Congdong Li and Yongli Tang, etc. Study on the Multi-Stakeholders Oriented BOE Integrated Management Conceptual Model of Public Project,EMS2009,Beijing,China,2009/9(EI to be searched)
22.Bo Wang and Congdong Li. Multivariate Statistics Analysis of Evaluation for Regional Economic Scale and Its Applicability Comparison, Journal of Jinan University (Social Science), 09-3
23.Li Congdong, Yuan Zhifeng, Deng Yuan, Wang Yu, Cao Cejun, Dynamic Strategy of Adding Link for Cascading Failure in Complex Network[J], Computer Application Study, 2016,08:1-6
24.Xie Tian, Li Congdong, Tang Yongli, Cao Cejun, Integration Method Oriented to Multidisciplinary Semantic Bill of X for Emergent Manufacturing Demand [J], Computer Integration Manufacturing System, 2015,21 (4):1063-1076
25.Liu Yi, Deng Qing, Li Congdong et al, Modelling for Task-driven Emergent Resources Integration Method and Organization Process[J], System Engineering Theory and Practice, 2015(10):2613-2620
26.Li Congdong, Hong Yuxiang, Computer Application Study on Negative Emotion Spreading Mechanism of Rural Groups Based on Social Network, Computer Application Study, 2105, 32:85-88
27.Wang Yu, Li Congdong, Liu Shan, System-Dynamic-Based Modeling of Supply Chain of Mass Custtomization with Multi-CODP [J] Journal of System Science, 2015,23:83-87
28.Luo Jing, Li Congdong, Capacity Reserve Strategy of Emergency Materials Based on Evolutionary Game[J] Industrial Engineering, 2015, 18:15-19
29.Hong Yuxiang, Li Congdong, Study on Social Emotional Community Facing Social Stability Risk Governance [J].Journal of Intelligence,2015,(04):116.
30.Cao, C.J., Li, C.D., Li, W.B.. Research on the relief scheduling model considering victims’ satisfaction for emergency response in large-scale disasters[C]. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Guangzhou, 2015, 679-690. (Springer )
GMVN oriented S-BOX knowledge expression and reasoning framework [J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2014, 25(5):993-1011.
31.Li Congdong, Cao Cejun, Yang Qin, et al, Application of BOX theory in multi-stage emergency resource scheduling --Taking emergency response stage as an example [J]. China Safety Science Journal, 2014, 24(7): 159-165.
32.Luo Jing, Li Congdong, Capacity Reserve Strategy of Emergency Materials- Based on Evolutionary Game[J] Industrial Engineering, 2015, 18:15-19
33.Li Congdong, Hong Yuxiang, Study on modeling method for social emotional stability facing emergency [J].Journal of Intelligence,2014,01:146-151.
34.Tong Rui, Li Congdong, Research on Industry Technology Roadmapping Based on Theory, Human, Physics and Practices[J], Journal of System Science,2014,03:31-34
Consulting Projects
1. October 2007- October 2009, “Multi-level Network Resource Planning System for SME Multi-core Cluster”, the leader of project of 2007 Guangdong Natural Science Foundation (07005962)
2. October 2007- October 2009, “Cost Occurrence and Compensation Mechanism of Public Non-profit Hospital under Modern Governance Structure”, the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” project leader of 2007 Guangdong Philosophy and Social Science
3. January 2009- January 2010, “A Study on Integration Capacity for Complex Network Resources of SME Cluster”, the leader of 2008 Guangdong Soft Science Project (2008B070800030).
4. January 2009-December 31, 2011, “Study on Methods and Drawing of Guangdong Industry Technology Roadmap”, the leader of 2008 Guangdong Scientific and Technology Special Project.
5. October 2007-December 2008, “Performance Assessment System Design for Guangdong Planning and Designing Institute of Telecommunications Co., Ltd.”, the leader of a project entrusted by enterprises and institutions.
6. June 2008-July 2009, “Comprehensive Budget Integration Management System for Metro Based on Trinity Strategy”, the leader of the project entrusted by an enterprises or institution.
1. The 12th Fiver-year Plan Project of Guangdong Philosophy and Social Science, GD15CG107, Study on Urban Public Safety Risk Evolution Path and Governance Mechanism in Big Data Era - Based on Feed-forward Control Perspective, 2015.12-2017.12, 50000RMB, ongoing, participation
2. Guangdong technology planning project, 2014A080802004, Study on Industrial Technical Roadmapping and Management Process Oriented to Online Knowledge Interaction, 2015/05-2017/04, ongoing, participation
3. Subject jointly engaged by Shenzhen Metro Group, CRG, Sinohydro : Study on Innovation of Rail+Property-based Urban Rail BOT Consortium Management Model, 2014/11-2015/12, 1.499million RMB, ongoing, leading
4. Subject engaged by Institutional Reform Office of Zhuhai Municipal Party Committee, Social Emotions and Social Stability, 2014/09-2015/06, 99,000RMB, completed, director
5. Subject sponsored by EU FP7 MarieCurie International Researchers Exchange Program, IRSES-GA-2013-610350, Interpretation of Nature of Technical Innovation for Chinese Enterprises, 2013.10-2016.04, 243,600Euro, ongoing, participation
6. Project supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2013M531912, Study on Customer-driven Multi-CODP Evolvoable Production Model in Dynamic Context, 2013/05-2014/12, completed, participation
7. Project supported by China Postdoctorial Science Foundation Speical Fund, 2014T70838, Study on Customer-driven Interactive and Innovative Customized E-commerce Supply Chain Model, 2014/07-2015/12, completed, participation
EMBA module: Operations Management