Xiaohua SU
Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Education Business Management from Sun Yat-sun University, China
Papers Published:
1. Su Xiaohua, Li Qianqian, Wang Ping. The Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Performance of High-tech Firms – the Moderating Effect on Strong and Weak Relations. [J]. Soft Science. 2013(01): 10-14.
2. Su Xiaohua, Rong Yun, He Xia. A Research on Strategic Alliance, Freshmen’s Learning Advantages, Environmental Dynamics and Performance-based Legitimate Relations [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy. 2013.
3. Su Xiaohua, Wang Ke. A Study of the Institutional Entrepreneurship of Emerging Organizational fields in a Transitional Economy – the Chinese VC/PE Industries Taken as an Example [J]. Chinese Industrial Economics. 2013(05):148-160
4. Su Xiaohua, Zheng Chen, Li Xinchun. A Comparative Analysis and of the Models of Classical Entrepreneurship Theories and an Understanding of their Evolution [J]. Foreign Economics & Management. 2012(11): 19-26.
5. Luo Lei, Su Xiaohua. A Leading-edge Probe into the Study of Social Capital and Corporate Financing [J]. Economic Perspectives. 2012(02): 99-104.
6. Su Xiaohua, Fang Ting, Zhu Peijun. A Review of Impact Factors for University Spin-offs [J]. Industrial Economic Review. 2012(01): 88-94.
7. Su Xiaohua, Dong Xuesong. The Lessons and Enlightenment from the Development of American Entrepreneurship Education [J]. Practice in Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. 2012(05): 85-88.
8. He Xia, Su Xiaohua. Background Traits of Top Management Teams, Executive Incentive and Corporate R&D Input – An Analysis of Data from A-Share Listed High-tech Companies [J] Science and Technology Management Research. 2012(06): 100-108.
9. Su Xiaohua, Li Jianxiang, Zhang Yaohui. The Market-oriented Survival Mechanism of Entrepreneurial Universities and the Enlightenment [J]. Studies in Foreign Education.2011(01): 57-62.
10. Wang Zhaozhi, Su Xiaohua. The Entrepreneurialism, Resource Base and Corporate Performance of University Spin-offs [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy. 2011(10): 147-151.
11. He Xia, Su Xiaohua. A Research Review of Top Management Teams Based on Organizational Performance [J]. Industrial Economic Review. 2011(04): 58-66.
12. Su Xiaohua, Wang Ping. A Study of the Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Legitimacy on the Performance of Start-ups – the Moderating Effect of Industry Life Cycle [J]. Science of Science and Management of S. & T. 2011(02): 121-126.
13. Zhang Shujun, Su Xiaohua, Dai Jilin. Corporate Strategy Choice and Performance – the Demonstration in the Context of Ramification and Clustering; Economic Science Press, 2008.12.
14. Su Xiaohua, Zhang Shujun, Wangping, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance of Chinese High-tech Firms: The Mediating Impact of Organizational Study,Asian Academy of Management Conference, 2010.12-12-14,Macau.
15. Su Xiaohua, Zhang Shujun. Spin-outs, Spin-offs, and Growth of Industrial Cluster in China, 4th IACMR Biennial Conference, 2010/6/18.
16. Zhang Shujun, Su Xiaohua. Strategic Choices and Performance of Entrepreneurial Spinouts, The 7th Conference of the International Entrepreneurship Forum),2008/8/6.
17. Su Xiaohua, Zhang Shujun. Leveraging Managerial Ties to Enhance Firm Performance: Assessing the Mediating Role of Relational Capabilities, Journal of Strategy and Management.
18. Zhang Shujun, Li Xinchun. Managerial ties, firm resources, and performance of cluster firms Asia Pacific, Journal of Management, 2008/25(4):615-633.
19. Zhang Shujun, Su Xiaohua. Made in China at a crossroads: A resource-based view, Journal of Public Affairs, 2009/9(Issue 4):313-322.
20. Zhang Shujun, Su Xiaohua. Spin-off Start-ups’ Strategic Choices and Performance; Research and Development Management, 2008(01): 18-25.
21. Su Xiaohua, Zhang Shujun; Control of Resource Input, Learning and Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures; Science Research Management; 2010.5.
22. Su Xiaohua; How do Relations Translate into Productivity? – An Investigation into the Relationship between Spin-off/fissioned Entrepreneurial Networks and Performance; Chinese Industrial Economics; to be published.
23. Su Xiaohua, Wang Zhaozhi; A Study of the Relationship between the Endowment of Resources and the Performance of University Spin-offs – China’s University-owned Listed Companies Taken as an Example; Science of Science and Management of Science & Technology; 2009.5.
24. Wang Zhaozhi, Su Xiaohua; The Entrepreneurialism, Resource Base and Corporate Performance of University Spin-offs; Science & Technology Progress and Policy. 2009.7.
25. Su Xiaohua, Wang Zhaozhi; Control, Learning and Local Corporate Performance; Management Modernization; 2008 (05): 22-24.
26. Su Xiaohua, Ji Xiaomin; A Study of the Influence Factors in Strategic Alliance Stability – An In-depth Case Analysis of Based on the Alliance between Kodak and Lucky; East China Economic Management, 2008 (04): 141-144.
27. Su Xiaohua, Wang Ping; A Research on Entrepreneurial Orientation: the Past, Present and Future; Science & Technology Progress and Policy; 2010.8.
28. Su Xiaohua, Zhang Shujun; Partner Selection, Strategic Design and Joint Venture Learning Effects – A Comparative Study of Guangzhou Peugeot and Guangzhou Honda; Academia Bimestris; 2007 (05) J:125-130
29. Zhang Shujun, Su Xiaohua; The Resource-based Theory: Evolution and Spin-Off; Chinese Journal of Management; 2009 (11):1555-1562
30. Su Xiaohua, Zhang Shujun; Why and How does Spin-off Exist? China Management Studies; 2009.4(2): 18-32.
31. Su Xiaohua, Zhang Shujun, Zhou Huilian; A Resource-based Perspective on Spin-off Strategy: Prerequisites and its Effectiveness; Science Economy Society; 2006 (04): 54-62
32. Su Xiaohua, Zhu Peijun; The Influence Factors for University Spin-offs: A Literature Review; The 1st International Cantonese Business Forum; 2009/9/19.
Monographs Published:
1. The Contractual Nature and Contractual Arrangements of High-tech Firms; Economic Science Press; 2005.4.
Corporate Strategic Choices and Corporate Performances – the Demonstration in the Spin-off and Clustering Context; Economic Science Press; second author; Economic Science Press; 2008.12.
Projects Undertaken:
1. The National Natural Science Foundation project (71172078): A Research on Alliance Strategy, Emerging Learning Advantages and the Legitimacy of Performance-based New Ventures; 2011.1-
2. The National Natural Science Foundation project “A Research on New Ventures’ Model Selection and Competitiveness: An Analysis Based on the Inheritance and Innovation of Parent Firm Resources” (70602018); RMB 170,000 yuan; 2007.1-2009.12.
3. The project of the Foundation of the Ministry of Education for the Youth “A Study of the Efficiency of Learning within a Sino-Foreign Strategic Alliance” (05JC630075); RMB 30,000 yuan; 2005.1-2007.12.
4. The Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province’s Doctoral Research Start-up Fund “The Learning and Risk Control within a Cooperation-Competition Alliance” (05300529); RMB 20,000 yuan; 2006.5-2006.12.
5. The Guangzhou Philosophy and Social Sciences “11th Five Year Plan” project “A Study of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Organizational Learning and the Performance of Guangdong-base Firms” (09Y31); RMB 10,000 yuan; 2010.1-2010.12.
6. The Guangdong Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning and Education research project “A Probe into the Entrepreneurship of University Students and the Reform of Universities’ Entrepreneurship Education Models: Guangdong Province Taken as an Example” (09sjyq001); RMB 10,000 yuan; 2010.1.1-2010.12.31
7. A general project of Guangdong Province’s academic humanities and social sciences for 2010: “Promoting the Competitiveness of Guangdong Province’s University Science and Technology Parks: Functional Orientation, Model Selection and Policy Formulation” (10WYXM043); RMB 20,000 yuan; 2011.1-2012.12.
Entrepreneurship Management, Strategy Management, Principles of Management