Ying WEI
Operation management, supply chain management.

Education Systems engineering and Engineering Management from Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Peer reviewed journal articles (learning and pedagogical research, contributions to practice, and/or discipline-based scholarship)
1. Wei, Y., Choi, T.-M. 2010. “Mean–variance analysis of supply chains under wholesale pricing and profit sharing schemes”. European Journal of Operational Research. 204 (2), 255-262. (SCI, Impact factor, 2008:1.627)
2. Wei, Y. and Chen, Y. 2011. “Joint Determination of Inventory Replenishment and Sales Effort with Uncertain Market Responses”. International Journal of Production Economics. 134(2), 368-374. (SCI, Impact factor, 2008: 2.026)
3. Wei, Y. 2012. “Optimization and Optimality of a Joint Pricing and Inventory Control Policy in Periodic-Review Systems with Lost Sales”. OR Spectrum. 34(1), 243-271. (SCI, Impact factor, 2008: 1.057)
4. T-M Choi, J LI, Y Wei. 2013. “Will a Supplier Benefit from Sharing Good Information with a Retailer” To appear in Decision Support Systems.
5. Li Feng, Wei Ying. 2011. “A Simulation Based Study on the Impacts of Decision Making Behavior on Bullwhip Effect.” Journal of Systems & Management. (5): 533-538.
6. Li Feng, Wei Ying. 2010. “Time-dependent vehicle routing algorithm for perishable goods delivery.” Journal of Systems Engineering. 25(4): 492-498.
7. Li Feng, Wei Ying. 2009. “A Simulation-Based Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem.” Journal of Systems & Management. 18(5): 591-595.
8. Li Feng, Wei Ying. 2008. “An Improved TOPSIS Method Based on Utility Theory.” Journal of Systems & Management. 17(1): 82-86.
9. Li Feng, Wei Ying. 2008. “Case Retrieval Algorithm Based on Preference Information.” Computer Engineering. 33(24): 28-30.
10. Li Feng, Wei Ying. 2007. “Approach to Case Retrieval in Distributed Environment Based on Semantic Similarity Calculation.” Computer Engineering. 33(9): 28-30.
11. Li Feng, Wei Ying. 2006. “Electronic Procurement Research Based on Ontology Technology.” System Engineering, Supplementary Issue I. 22-26.
12. Y. Wei, Y. Chen, H. Yan, 2009. “Divide and conquer: from MTO to ATO/MTO---A case study of an electronic manufacturer”. Innovative Quick Response Programmes in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, in Springer’s International Handbooks on Information Systems Series, pp.331-354.
Peer reviewed proceedings from teaching/pedagogical meetings, professional/practice meetings, and/or scholarly meetings
13. F. Li and Y. Wei. 2008. “A Real-time Vehicle Routing System for RFID-tagged Goods Transportation”. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Beijing, China. pp. 2892-2897. (EI)
14. F. Li and Y. Wei, 2007. “GTSys: A Mobile Agent Based In-Transit Goods Tracking System”. In Proceedings of ICIC 2007, Springer-Verlag: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 147–156. (EI)
15. F. Li and Y. Wei. 2007. “Tracking In-transit RFID-tagged Goods Using Multi-Agent Technology”. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Services and Knowledge Management. pp. 4826-4829. (EI)
16. Y. Wei and Y. Chen. 2006. “Joint Determination of Salesforce Incentives and Inventory Control with Demand Uncertainty”. In Proceeding of the 11th Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Hong Kong. pp. 419-422. (ISTP)
17. F. Li and Y. Wei. 2006. “Ontology Extraction for Semantic Web: A New Framework”. In Proceeding of the 11th Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Hong Kong. pp. 338-341. (ISTP)
18. Y. Wei and F. Li, 2003. “Case-based Reasoning: An Intelligent Approach Applied for Financial Crises Warning”. In Proceedings of IDEAL 2003, Springer-Verlag: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 939-943. (SCI)
19. F. Li and Y. Wei, 2003. “An Enhanced Security Model for Mobile Agent System”. In Proceedings of IDEAL 2003, Springer-Verlag: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 89-93. (SCI)
20. Y.Wei, K. Zhou, and S. Feng. 2001. “Case-based reasoning approach applied for financial crises warning”. In Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on Computation in Economics, Financial and Engineering-Economic Systems, Tianjin, pp. 165-169.
Peer reviewed paper presentations at teaching/pedagogical meetings, professional/practical meetings, and/or academic meetings
1. “Optimality on the joint decisions of inventory control and advance pricing strategy”. The third Poms-HK interntaional conference. Hong Kong. 01/2013.
2. “Optimality on the joint decisions of inventory control and advance pricing strategy”. Informs International-Beijing. 06/2012, invited session.
3. “United we stand? Risk Pooling and Capacity Ownership in Joint Ventures”. The third Poms-HK interntaional conference. Hong Kong. 01/2012.
4. “Coordinating capacity investments with joint ventures” International workshop on Supply chain models for shared resource management. Brussels, 01/2010
5. “Loss aversion in the newsvendor problem: reference-dependent analysis” The International Forum on Interface of Marketing and Operations Management, Hong Kong, 12/2009
6. “Loss aversion in the newsvendor problem: reference-dependent analysis”POM-Hong Kong International Conference, 12/2009
7. “Measuring the Variability in Supply Chains with the Peakedness: Model and Application to FMCG”INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, U.S.A. 10/2009
8. “Modeling and managing the variability in supply chains with the peakedness” 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, Germany, 07/2009, Session Chair
9. “Modeling and managing the variability in supply chains with the peakedness”6th CEMS Research Seminar on Supply Chain Management, 02/2009
10. “Mean Variance Analysis of a Supply Chain Under Wholesale Pricing and Profit Sharing Scheme” 9th Workshop on Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Louvain School of Management, UCL, 04/2009
11. “Mean Variance Analysis of a Supply Chain Under Wholesale Pricing and Profit Sharing Scheme”MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING SEMINAR, CORE, UCL, 10/ 2008
12. “Mean Variance Analysis of a Supply Chain Under Wholesale Pricing and Profit Sharing Scheme”INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, U.S.A. 10/2008
13. “Joint Determination of Salesforce Incentives and Inventory Control with Demand Uncertainty” Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute (APDSI) 2006, Hong Kong, 06/2006
14. “Joint Determination of Sales Lever and Inventory Control with General Demand Functions”INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A. 11/2005
15. “Joint Pricing and Inventory Control for a Periodic-Review System with Batch Ordering” IFORS Triennial, Hawaii, U.S.A. 07/2005
1.2013.12 Choi, T-M, J. Li, Y. Wei. “ Will a supplier benefit from sharing good information with a retailer?” Decision Support Systems.
2. 2014. Li Feng, Wei Ying, Solution to Blending Inheritance Algorithm for Random Traveling C-VRP Question, System Management Journal
3. 2014. Li ,F., Y. Wei. An Intelligent Agent Simulation Model to Evaluate Herd Behavior and Sales Effort in a Duopoly Market. Intelligent Computing Methodologies. Volume 8589 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 456-465.
4. 2015. Wei, Y. and Xiong, L-Y. “Contracting Fashion Products Supply Chains When Demand Is Dependent on Price and Sales Effort”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2015(2015). Article ID: 161486.
5. 2015. Wei, Y. and F. Li. Impact of Heterogeneous Consumers on Pricing Decisions under Dual-Channel Competition. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2015(2015). Article ID: 584084.
6. 2015.6. Wei, Y., Y-L. Wang, L-Y Xiong. Service and Price Competition in a Variety Seeking Market. 2015 12th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM). Best paper award.
7. 2015.9 Li Feng, Wei Ying, Coordination and Optimization of Dual Channel Supply Chain System under Heterogeneous Consumer Behavior Model, System Management Journal 24 (5)
8. 2015.9 Li Feng, Wei Ying, Simulation Study on Reasonableness of Consumers on Supply Chain Pricing, System Simualtion Journal 27 (12)
9. 2015.9 Li Feng, Wei Yin, Impact of Enterprises’ Horizontal Cometition on Overall Performance of Supply Chain, Journal of SCUT 17 (1)
10. 2013. Li, F., L-J Liu, Y. Wei. Pricing Decision in a Dual-Channel System with Heterogeneous Consumers. Proceedings of LISS 2013.
Consulting Projects
1. Project host of the Natural Science Foundation of China: “Inventory Model Research Oriented to Random Controllable Demands.” (71101063) 2012-2014.
2. First project participant and won Natural Science Foundation of China: “Research on Multi-channel Supply Chain Coordination under Multi-agent Modeling and Simulation.” 2012-2015. (71171085)
3. Project host of“The Impact of Market Factors on Inventory Management under Uncertain Demands.” 2011. Scientific Research Launching Project for the talents of Jinan University.
4. Host of Scientific Cultivation and Innovation Fund Research Project, Jinan University (China National Funds for Young Scientists:11JYB2001), 2001: “Decision Making Research on the Combination of Promotion and Inventory under Uncertain Demands.”
5. Engaging in the project of HK RGC Earmarked Research Grant,2008: “The Impacts of Increased demand Uncertainty on Profit and Coordination in Fashion Supply Chains”
6. Engaging in the Belgium, Régionwallonne Project, 2005-2010:“Modeling variability in a supply chain”.
7. Engaging in the Belgium, Actions de RechercheConcertées (ARC) Project, 2008-2013: “Managing Shared Resources in Supply Chain”.
8. Engaging in the Consulting project of the Optimization of Global Supply Chain Management for Hongkong Xinjia Electronics Co., Ltd.
Operations management; Supply chain management (MBA)