Tel :85220180
Network marketing, e-commerce, IT strategy, business value of enterprise information system

Education Management Information System from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Published thesis:
1. Wang Wei, Xixi Li and JJ Po-An Hsieh. “The Contingent Effect of Personal IT Innovativeness and IT Self-Efficacy on Innovative Use of Complex IT”, Behaviour & Information Technology. Forthcoming (collected in SCI and SSCI)
2. Wang Wei, Eric W.T. Ngai and Haiying Wei. “Explaining Instant Messaging Continuance Intention: The Role of Personality”, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 2012, 28(8): 500-510 (collected in SCI and SSCI)
3. Carlos Wing-Hung Lo, Gerald E. Fryxell, Benjamin van Rooij, Wang Wei (correspondence author) and Pansy Honying Li. “Explaining the Enforcement Gap in China: Local Government Support and Internal Agency Obstacles as Predictors of Enforcement Actions in Guangzhou”, Journal of Environmental Management. 2012, 111: 227-235 (collected in SCI)
4. Wang Wei, JJ Po-An Hsieh and Baoxiang Song. “Understanding User Satisfaction with Instant Messaging: An Empirical Survey Study”, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 2012, 28(3): 153-162(collected in SCI and SSCI)
5. Wang Wei, JJ Hsieh, John E. Butler and Sheng-Hsun Hsu. “Innovate with Complex Information Technologies: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Examination”, Journal of Computer Information Systems. 2008, 49(1): 27-36 (collected in SCI and SSCI)
6. JJ Hsieh and Wang Wei (correspondence author). “Explaining Employees’ Extended Use of Complex Information Systems”, European Journal of Information Systems. 2007, 16(3): 216-227 (collected in SCI and SSCI)
7. Wang Wei and John E. Butler. “Effects of Adoption Determinants on IS Mandated Usage”, Journal of Information Science and Technology. 2007, 3(3): 5-23
8. Wang Wei and John E. Butler. “System Deep Usage in Post-Acceptance Stage: A Literature Review and a New Research Framework”, International Journal of Business Information Systems. 2006, 1(4): 439-462
9. Baoxiang Song and Wang Wei. “Instant Messaging Continuance: A Media Choice Theory Perspective”, Frontiers of Business Research, 2011, 5(4): 537-558
10. Chen Juhua, Hu Yong and Wang Wei. “E-commerce Education in China,” Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, April 2004, 2(2): 65-77
11. Wang Wei and Liao Yong. “Behavior Research and Prospect of Enterprise Information System after being adopted”, Journal of Foreign Economics & Management, 2011 (2): 26-40. (The whole paper is reprinted by Enterprise management research, the 7th period of 201, the copied data of Newspapers and periodicals of Renmin University of China.)
12. Wang Wei, Lei Hong and Lu Hongyan. “Research Influence on the of Stakeholder on the Corporate Environmental Management – with a Textile printing and dyeing enterprise in the Pearl River Delta as the example.” Shantou University Journal (Humanities & Social Sciences Bimonthly), 2011 (1): 51-59.
13. Wang Wei, Song Baixiang, Wang Yi. “Usage Behavior Research and Prospect of Enterprise Information System after being adopted.” Modern Management Science, 2010 (1): 100-102.
14. Wang Wei, “A Study on Adoption and Usage of Information Technologies.” R & D Management, 2007, 19 (3): 48-55.
15. Wang Wei. “User Acceptance of Information Systems – A Comparison of Three Theoretical Models.” New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2005(12): 17-21.
16. Wang Wei. A Study on the Diffusion and Assimilation of Technology Innovation in the Organization.” Modern Management Science, 2005 (6): 48-50.
17. Song Baixiang, Peng Jisheng and Wang Wei. “The upgrade effect of external technology acquisition on the domestic firms’ technological capacity.” Science Research Management, 2011(7): 85-95.
18. Song Baoxiang, Wang Wei. “Empirical Study of Personality Effects on Instant Messaging Continuing Use.” Soft Science, 2011(1): 95-101.
19. Qin Zhong, Wang Wei, Wang Yi, Lu Xiaohua, Sun Haojun. “Theoretical Foundations and Educational Signality of Integrative Thinking. Shantou University Journal (Humanities & Social Sciences Bimonthly), 2010(6): 81-86.
20. Song Baoxiang, Peng Jisheng, Wang Wei. “A Study on Influence Factors of Domestic Firms’ Technological Capacity.” Fudan Industrial Economic Review. (4th edition), 2009. 12.
Published works and textbooks:
Wang Wei. Innovative Use of Enterprise Systems by Employees: An Investigation from the Human Side, Economic Management Publishing House, 2009, 7 (English monograph).
Peer reviewed proceedings from teaching/pedagogical meetings, professional/practice meetings, and/or scholarly meetings:
1. Wang Wei and Rui Chen. How to Retain Your Customers: The Impact of Consumer Trust and Commitment in E-marketplaces. The Eleventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, May 26-27, 2012, Wuhan, China, p. 133-143
2. Wang Wei. “How Personality Affects Continuance Intention: An Empirical Investigation of Instant Messaging,” Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2010), July 9-12, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, p.1160-1170. (collected in the EI: 20120414709025)
3. Wang Wei and Yong Liao. “Explaining the Role of User Commitment in Innovative Use of Information Systems,” Proceedings of the Fourth China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2010), Wuhan, China, p33-38.
4. Wang Wei and JJ Hsieh. “Beyond Routine: Symbolic Adoption, Extended Use, and Emergent Use of Complex Information Systems in the Mandatory Organizational Context.” Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Information Systems. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U. S. A., December 10-13, 2006 (Oral Till nowation Paper and Best Paper Award in Track)
5. Wang Wei, JJ P. A. Hsieh and John E. Butler. “System Emergent Use: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Exploration”, Till nowed at the 2006 Academy of Management Annual Meeting , Atlanta, George, U. S. A., August 11-16, 2006 (Oral Till nowation Paper).
6. Wang Wei. “Factors Influencing Employees’ Deep Usage of Information Systems”, Proceedings of the Ninth Pacific Asia Conference on Information System, Bangkok, July 2005. (Best Paper Nomination) (collected in the CPCI-S)
7. Wang Wei and Vincent Cho. “Are Antecedents in the Adoption Stage Affecting IS Effectiveness in the Implementation Stage”, Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, August 2004 (Oral Till nowation Paper).
8. Wang Wei. “Post-acceptance Usage: Exploring the Human Side.” Till nowed at Doctoral Consortium of the Ninth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. Bangkok, Thailand, July 7-10, 2005.
9. Wang Wei. “Emergent Use of Complex Information Systems: Exploring the Human Side.” Till nowed at Organizational Communication & Information Systems (OCIS) Division’s Doctoral Consortium of the 2006 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., August 11-16, 2006
10. Wang Wei, Liao Yong. “A Study on the Innovative Usage of Based on Information Systems Success Model—Regulating Effect of the Organizational Innovative Atmosphere.” The Fourth academic year of CNAIS—Information Systems in China: Opportunities and Challenges in the Context of Emerging Technologies, Shanghai, 2011.12.2 – 4, p. 602-606.
1.Beyond Routine: Symbolic Adoption, Extended Use, and Emergent Use of Complex Information Systems in the Mandatory Organizational Context” won best paper award at the (ICIS) HCI Track in 2006.
2. Factors Influencing Employees’ Deep Usage of Information Systems” won best paper nomination award at the PACIS in 2005.
3. A Case Study: The Trip of “Taobao” Passenger Liner for “Treasures”—Based on the Perspective of Business Model won “100 excellent management cases” at its 3rd session of 2012
Wei Wang, Xinhong Liang. “Internet Marketing” (Application-oriented textbooks for regular higher education in the 13th Five-year Plan Period), China Renmin University Press Co., Ltd. 2016.5
1. Wei Wang, Mengxi Xu, Yu Liu, Yan Lin. Case: Building the “Zhujiang Beer” Aircraft Carrier Battle Group (winning an award in the 4th National Excellent Management Cases in 2013). China Management Case-sharing Center, 2013.11
2. Wei Wang, Mengxi Xu, Yongwei Jiang, Yaqin Yu, Chunhua, Xiao. Case: Precision Marketing of Fashion Gourmet Group (winning an award in the 6th National Excellent Management Cases in 2015). China Management Case-sharing Center, 2015.7
3. Wei Wang, Mengxi Xu, Yi Zhang, Yu Liu, Weiqiang, Wen. Case: EF’s Fantastic Journey of Global Strategy Transformation in China Market, China Management Case-sharing Center, 2014.12
1. Nicole Ning liu, Carlos Wing-Hung Lo, Xueyong Zhan, Wei Wang. “Campaign-Style Enforcement and Regulatory Compliance”, Public Administration Review. 2015, 75(1): 85-95 (SSCI)
2. Wei Wang, Xixi Li and JJ Po-An Hsieh. “The Contingent Effect of Personal IT Innovativeness and IT Self-Efficacy on Innovative Use of Complex IT”, Behaviour & Information Technology. 2013, 32(11): 1105-1124 (SCI, SSCI)
3. Benjamin Van Rooij, Gerald E. Fryxell, Carlos Wing-Hung Lo, Wei Wang (correspondence author). “From Support to Pressure: The Dynamics of Social and Governmental Influences on Environmental Law Enforcement in Guangzhou City”, Regulation & Governance. 2013, 7(3): 321-347 (SSCI)
4. Wei Wang, Yi Zhang. “Review of Enterprise Information System Implementation and Firm Performance”. China Journal of Information Systems, 2015,15: 56-69
5. Wei Wang, Mengxi Xu. “The Evolution Mode of IT Department Roles in the Process of Enterprise Informationization: A Case Study of Pearl River Beer Group”. Journal of Management Case Studies, 2015,8(2): 146-162
6. Wei Wang, Baozhen Guo. “Returining to Consumers and Integrating with Mega Marketing”. Tsinghua Business Review, 2015,28(1-2): 48-55
7. Wei Wang, Rui Chen. “A Review of Literature of Trust on the Internet and Prospects”. Foreign Economics and Management, 2013,35(10): 52-61 (Reprinted by Vol. 3 of Enterprise Management Studies of Renmin University of China in 2014)
Consulting Projects
1. 2015.10, E-commerce for Everyone: NDP + Innovative Business Model of Maimaijiu
2. 2014.10, Precision Marketing of Fashion Gourmet Group
Management Information System; E-commerce and Retail Stragies (MBA)