Yaohui ZHANG
Tel :85220183
Industrial organization and innovation, creative industries and business models, entrepreneurial management

Education National Economics from Central University of Finance and Economics, China
1. Industrial Economics, China Higher Education Press, 2008/09/01
2. Industrial Regulation Policy and Industrial Policy Theory, Economy & Management Publishing House, 2008/10/01
3. Knowledge Manager, China Planning Press, 2000/09
4. Analysis of New Commercial Modes, Jinan University Press, 2009/11
5. E-commerce Corporate Entrepreneurship Course, China Financial & Economic Publishing House, 2001/08
6. Consumption Economics, Economy & Management Publishing House, 2002/02
1. Entrepreneur's Expectation in Independent Innovation and An Experimental Study, Research on Financial and Economic Issues, 2007/04/01
2. Demand inducement, technical independence and industrial environment – Perspectives on China SMS Industry, China Industrial Economy, 2007/04/01
3. Technology Advancement Strategy and Technology Innovation Value, China Industrial Economy, 2008/11/01
4. Production Function Generation Mechanism under knowledge entrepreneurship, Journal of Jinan University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2009/01/01
5. Administration Monopoly, Deregulation and Industry Performance: A Positive Analysis Based on Crude oil Exploration Industry, Contemporary Finance & Economics, 2008/02/01
6. Dual Characteristics of Consumer Contract and Crisis of Giant, China Industrial Economy, 2007/12/01
7. Rural Labor Migration, Business Clusters and Dual Structure Model, Reform of Economic System, 2007/08/01
8. A Study on the Relationship among Enterprise Donation, Corporate Value and Citizen Consciousness, South China Economy, 2009/05/01
9. Problems, Causes and Countermeasures of Investment in Science and Technology in Guangdong, Reformation & Strategy, 2009/06/01
10. Enterprise Donation and Reconstruction of Corporate Value, Economic and Finance Research, 2009/02/02
11. Analysis on the International Experience and China’s Countermeasures of the Shale Gas Industry Development, Reform, 2013/2
12. Institution Lock, Hot Money and the Formulation of Middle-income Trap, Shanghai Finance, 2013/2
13. A Study on the Convergence of the Development of New Energy Industries of the Country, Economic Review, 2013/12
14. Restructuring the Market-oriented Low-carbon Advantage of the Country: An Analysis on the Rise of Value Chains from a Global Perspective, Economist, 2014/1
15. A Guideline for Antitrust Investigation: Collusion and Difference Behind Concerted Pricing Behavior, Industrial Economic Review, 2014/1
16. Industrial System Matching, Gurantee of Policy System and the Feasibility of Building the Country Based on Resources, Reform, 2014/5
17. The Dynamic Relations among Industrial Structure, Energy Efficieny and Energy Consumption in China: An Empirical Study Based on Co-integration and VECM, East China Economic Management, 2014/7
18. Transformation of Resource-based City and Nursuring of Entreprenurship, Liaoning Economy,2015/3
19. Mechanism, Obstacles and Crack of Business Transformation in Specialized Town under the Background of Internet: Taking the Cross-industrial Transformation of the “Taobao Village” in Jieyang as an Example, Industrial Economic Review, 2015/4
20. Bonus of Industrial Agglomeration or Reappearance of “Pollution Heaven”: Based on the Evidence in Guangdong Province, Research on Economics and Management,2015/6
21. Environment Difference and Matthew Effect of Entrepreneurial Quality: Based on the SYS-GMM Test of Dynamic Panel Date Model, Economic Management Journal, 2015/7
Consulting Projects
1. Validity Assessment for Guangdong Entrepreneurship Environment and Policies
2. A Study on Science and Technology Input Policy for Enhancing Guangdong Independent Innovation Capacity
3. A Study on Improving the Development and Construction of Zhuhai Industrial Park Zone
4. A Study on Strategy and Policy of Developing Low-Energy-Consumption Industries in Guangdong
5. Planning and Design of Industrial Tourism of Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan
Entrepreneurship Management; Creation Thinking and Originality Capacity Promotion (MBA)
Commercial Mode and Growth Strategy; Industrial Policy and Public Policy (EMBA)