Xiaode ZUO
Tel :85226826
Supply chain management, project management

Ph.D. in System Engineering from Tianjin University, China
1. Zuo, Xiaode. Project Investment Management [M]. Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 1997.
2. Tan, Haobang, and Xiaode Zuo. Industry Value Engineering [M]. Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 1999.
3. Xue, Shengjia, and Xiaode Zuo. Operational Research on Management [M]. Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 2000.
4. Zuo, Xiaode. Systems Engineering [M]. Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 2000.
5. Tan, Haobang, and Xiaode Zuo. Value Management [M]. Beijing: Economic Science Pres, 2002.
6. Zuo, Xiaode, and Shengjia Xue. Operational Research on Management II [M]. Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 2009.
7. Zuo, Xiaode, Yun Liang, and Xiaoming Zuo. Project Manager and Project Manager Certification [M]. Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 2009.
8. Zuo, Xiaode, Yun Liang, and Lei Zhang. Emergency Logistics Management [M]. Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 2010.
9. Zuo, Xiaode. Project Manager and Project Manager Certification (Exam Book)[M]. Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 2010.
10. Zuo, Xiaode, Hong Li, and Yanhua Qing. Emergency Warehouse Construction and Logistics Dilemma Case Study [M]. Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 2012.
Consulting Projects
1. An Analysis on the Competitiveness and Market Strategy of Guangdong Leading Products, Guangdong Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, 1996- 1999;
2. A Study on and Formulation of Management System, Guangzhou Jingcheng Landscaping Engineering Co., Ltd., 2000-2001;
3. Economic Development Forecast and Early Warning System Development of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, 2001- 2001;
4. Management Diagnosis and Improvement of Sheng Da Cable Company Limited, 2007-2007;
5. A Study on Inventory Management and Optimization of China Southern Power Grid, 2012-2012;
6. Full System Development of Technological Management, Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau, 2012-2012 (Contract Number: 0173HW1201351);
7. Corporate Decision-making of Medium and High-end Lottery Companies I, Hong Kong Amax Holdings Limited, 2010-2012;
8. Model Development of High-performing Salesmen Qualities, Shenzhen Touchstone Property Consultant Co., Ltd., 2010-2012;
9. Housing Price Assessment Model and System Development, Shenzhen REE Data Technology Co., Ltd., 2012-2012;
10. A Study on Export Macro Quality Assessment System in the Pearl River Delta, China Certification & Inspection Group Guangdong Co., Ltd., 2012-2012;
11. Formulation of Management Process and System of Land Center, Nansha Command, 2004-2004;
12. A Demand Research on Guangdong Economic and Trade Website (Predecessor of, Guangdong Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, 2002- 2002.
2013 – 2014, Study on Warehouse Location of China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd.
1. Undergraduate module: Project Management
2. Graduate Module: Operations Research
3. MBA module: Operations Management, Project Management
4. EMBA module: Quantitative Analysis Method, Project Management