Shaozhuang MA
The Development and Management of Human Resource,Emotional Management and Emotional Labor in work

Ph.D. in The Development and Management of Human Resource from ISCTE –InstitutoUniversitário de Lisboa, Portugal
1. Ma, S., Trigo, V., 2013, Zhu Dandan (A): Promotions (Business Case, 9B13C002), IVEYPUBLISHING, Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario
2. Ma Shaozhuang, Zhu Yihong, Zhang Wenhong, 2012, The Employable Constructs of Chinese Undergraduates, Population & Economics, Issue 4, Page 34-42.
3. Ma Shaozhuang, 2012, Zhu Dandan’s Promotion Stories(A),The Third National Excellent Management Case, China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee (Entry submitted for selection)
4. Ma, S., Trigo, V., (2012), The 'Country-of-Origin' Effect in employee turnover intention - evidence from China, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(7): 1394-1413
5. Ma, S., Trigo, V., (2011), Internalization of China’s MBA Education: Failing to Walk the Talk? Journal of Teaching in International Business, 22(3): 149-167
6. Ma, S., Trigo, V., 2008, Winning the War for Managerial Talent in China, The Chinese Economy, 41 (3): 34-57, M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Consulting Projects
1. Comparison of Factors Affecting Resignation Intent of Professional Managers from Businesses of Different Ownership.
2. Relationship among EQ, Emotional Labor and Job Performance of Chinese Professional Managers
3. Dimensions of Employability and Sustainable Professional Competitiveness
Human Resource Management, Leadership Development, Personal Management and Development, Strategic Management