Yongbin MA
Corporate Government, Commercial Mode, Organization Reform, Corporate Culture, Leadership Power and Organization Theory, etc

Two academic works:
1.Ecological Network—Creation Modes of University, Government and Enterprise
2.Corporate Government and Share Ownership Encouragement.
Published 40 academic papers, among which 27 papers of both Chinese Core Journals and CSSCI Core Journals, 10 papers of Chinese Core Journals, 29 papers of No.1 author, 13 papers collected by academic works, 4 papers (their full text) copied by Copy journal material of Renmin University of China.
Consulting Projects
Took charge of 17 key subjects in the National 9th 5-year Plan supported by the state, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Chinese Society of Academic Degrees and Graduate Education and Beijing City
Taught graduate students organization theory; Taught EMBA students and trainees corporate government and share ownership encouragement and political intelligence.