Electronic Commerce and Customer Relation Management

Ph.D. in Business Management from Renmin University of China, China
I. Articles published in the peer-reviewed journal
1. Only Value Enough? Empirical research on the impact of value and trust on intention, Journal of Software, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 124~131, 2010
2. User acceptance of internet banking: an extension of the UTAUT model with trust and quality constructs, International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2009, 378 -393
3. Product Limit Estimator for the Expected Duration of a Customer Lifetime, Journal of Tsinghua University (Natural Science Edition), 2005.12
4. Theoretical system on Customer Relationship Management, Modern Management, 2004.6
5. Research on Evaluation Index System of an Auction Website, Modern Management, 2004.1
6. The Way of Survival for Modern Enterprises - Overall Challenge Brought by Information Technology, Management World, 2003.10
7. Brief Talk about Customer Relationship Management Applications in E-government, Management World, 2002.6
8. Strategies and Enlightenment on Softbank's Online Personal Finance, Modern Management, 2002.2
9. Correct Understanding of Customer Relationship Management, Modern Management, 2001.3
10. A Nonbacktracking Algorithm for the Rule Based Attribute-oriented Database Induction Approach, Journal of Software, 1999.7
II. Works:
1. Computer Management System of Chain Stores, Renmin University of China Press, 2000.1
2. Study and Investigation of Customer Relation Management, Renmin University of China Press, 2006.12 v
III. Teaching materials
1. Jidong Han, Dong Cheng, etc., E-commerce (the 10th Five-Year Plan teaching materials of the Ministry of Education), Renmin University of China Press, 2002.7
2. Chiefly edited by Dong Cheng, E-commerce (teaching materials recommended by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance), Press of Dongbei University of Finance, 2001.5
3. Chiefly edited by Cheng Dong, Introduction to E-commerce (Teaching materials for national self-study examination), Renmin University of China Press, 2001.5
Consulting Projects
Some projects will be used for courses cases
EMBA Course: Information Management