Dominique COLOMB
Cross-culture study, socio-cultural value, globalization, media sociology, advertising discourse, media, internet, Chinese media

Ph.D. in Information and Media Science from Joseph Fourier University
1. How to Comprehend the Media Communication in China?. Chinese Media Authority, World of Ethnic Chinese, Period 24, 2011-2011 Winter Quarterly, Feb. 2011: P.10-15.
2. French and Chinese Media Facing Image Crisis: on the Extreme Reaction by French Media to Beijing Olympic Games. Recoded in the collected papers of Trust and China-EU Relations edited by Zheng Lihua and Yang Xiaomin, Paris: Harmattan Press, 2010.
3. Media Mass Media and in China: Beyond Paradox, social logic book series, Paris: Harmattan Press, 2008, P.272.
4. Remote Information and False Adjacency: Take Interpretation to Internet in China as an Example, recoded in the collected papers of Information of Globalization edited by Aubert Aurélie and Palmer Michael, Paris: Harmattan Press, 2008.
5. French and Chinese Media Facing Image Crisis: on the Extreme Reaction by French Media to Beijing Olympic Games. Recoded in the collected papers of Trust and China-EU Relations for the 5th Sino-French Cross-culture Seminar, Guangzhou: Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 2008.
6.“Remote” Information and False Adjacency: Take Interpretation to Internet in China as an Example, recoded in the collected papers of International Current Affairs: Interaction Between View of Practitioners and Analysis of Researchers, University of Paris III, 2007 Hyper-modernity and Foresight of Media: Significance of Cross-culture, collected papers of Cross-cultural Studies: Sharing Knowledge and Sharing Culture for 10th Conference of ARIC International Cross-cultural Studies, University of Algiers, Algiers, 2005.
7. Globalization, Social Value and Internet in China, recorded in the collected papers of China and Globalization edited by Zheng Lihua and XieYong, in the social logic book series, Paris: L’Harmattan Press, 2004, P.29-38.
8. Media and Globalization Studies: New Paradigm of Cross-culture, recorded in the collected papers of 2004 Asia Forum on Communication and Media/ Forum on Chinese Media, News and Media: Research, Education and Practice under Globalization, Communication University of China, Sept. 2004, Beijing.
9. Remote Discourse and Layout, Between Diversity and Cross-culture, recorded in Period 4 of periodical Problems of Media, co-researchers are Thieblemont-Dollet Sylvie and Mei Ci, 2003.
10. Road of Real TV in China: Pragmatism and Experiment, recorded in the special issue of TV-Reality, Discussion on Globalization for the magazine Médiamorphoses edited by Lochard Guy and Soulez Guillaume, Paris: Inathèque de France Press, 2003.
11. Vague Relations Between China and Internet, recorded in the collected papers of Against Blocked Media Globalization edited by Malletart Tristan, the third world and audio-visual without borders, Paris: INA / de Boeck, 2002.
12. Advertisement and Similarity, TV Advertising Discourse in China under New Social Culture and Consumption Concept, recorded in the collected papers of Enterprises and Culture edited by Xie Yong and Yang Xiaomin, Paris: L’Harmattan Press, 2002.
13. Mirage of TV Advertisement (1) and (2), recorded in Period 21 and 22 of the monthly Research journal of China edited by DANI Sandor, Shanghai, Jan. and Feb. of 2001, P.4-7.
14. Contemporary Chinese Advertisement and Social Transformation, the article is translated into Chinese and recorded in the periodical China- Europe, Jan. 1995, Beijing, P.35-44.
15. Leap of Chinese Media: Advertisement and TV Serving Socialist Economy Market, audio-visual field book series, Paris: Harmattan Press, 1997, P.272.