Cross-cultural management, multicultural teams, corporate control, etc

Ph.D. in International Business Studies from Universite des Sciences Sociales Toulouse I
(2008) with M. Festing: Chapter on Performance Management in France & Germany, in: “Performance Management Systems. A Global Perspective”, Edited by Arup Varma, Pawan S. Budhwar & Angelo DeNisi, London & New York: Routledge, chapter 10, pp. 147-167.
(2008) « Mobilitätsverhalten von Fach- und Führungskräften: Mythos und Realität ». (Mobility of Managers and Experts: Fiction and Reality [in German]). Chapter in:
Mensch und Ökonomie – Innovationspotenziale eines Wertespagates, Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Rainer Marr, edited by Sonia Sackmann, Wiesbaden: Gabler, pp. 147 - 163.
Book Reviews
(2011) Book review on Global Leadership. Research, Practice, and Development by Mark E. Mendenhall, Joyce S. Osland, Allan Bird, Gary R. Oddou, and Martha L. Maznevski. London & New York: Routledge, 2008, 216 pages. Management Learning, Vol. 42(4): 465-466.
(2007) Book review on “Managing Emotions in Mergers and Acquisitions” by V. Kusstatscher & C.L. Cooper, Edward Elgar 2005, 212 pages. Human Resource Development International, Vol. 10(3), September, pp. 355-356. - v10.
(2007) Book Review on “Managing Diversity. Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace” by Michàlle E. Mor Barak. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2005. 343 pages. Academy of Management Learning & Education, Vol. 6(2), pp. 285-286. Title won the 2007 Academy of Management Terry Book Award in August 2007.
Published Cases
(2003) « DETEC-FENIX : la gestion multiculturelle européenne revisitée », Etude de cas et Note Pédagogique publiées par la Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris, février.
Articles Published on Conference
(2011) Barzantny, Cordula & Naudé, Marita “Human Resource Management for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development (SD): Practical policies‟ implications for managers.” Paper accepted and presented at the British Academy of Management, annual conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, 13-15 September 2011.
(2011) Barzantny, Cordula, “Global mindset in Europe: East and West meet North and South. Local advantage for global reach.” Paper accepted and presented at the annual Regional IACCP (International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology) meeting in Turkey, Istanbul, 30 June – 3 July.
(2011) Barzantny, Cordula, “Global mindset in the European context: East and West meet North and South; Emergent issues and future considerations.” Paper accepted for presentation at the Academy of International Business annual conference (AIB), Nagoya, Japan, 24 June – 28 June 2011.
(2011) Naude, Marita & Barzantny, Cordula “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development (SD) in Human Resource Management Policies: Practical implementation for managers;” paper accepted and presented at the EIASM Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, Reyjavik, Iceland, May 16-17.
(2010) Dowling, Peter, Engle, Allen, Festing, Marion and Barzantny, Cordula «Proposing Processes of Global Performance Management: An Analysis of the Literature», Paper
submitted, accepted and to be presented at IFSAM – International Association of Scholarly Associations of Management (Track G7, International Management), Paris, 8 – 10 July 2010.
(2010) Reiche, Sebastian, with Barzantny, Cordula and 23 other co-authors, «Understanding trust in manager-subordinate relationships: A multi-country, multi-cultural study (the moderating role of collectivism)», Paper accepted and presented at the 5th Workshop on Trust within and between Organizations, organised by EIAMS, IVEI & Fundación BBVA, Madrid, January 28-29, 2010.
(2009) Zander, Lena, Mockaitis, Audra I., Harzing, Anne-Will, with Barzantny, Cordula & 20 other co-authors, «Don‟t just say what you mean – contextualize it: A leadership study across 17 countries», Paper accepted and presented at the 69th annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, August 06-12. Paper selected for the IM Division to compete for the international Carolyn Dexter Award 2009. Finalist paper for the IMD Best Paper in OB/HRM/OT Award 2009. Academy of Management Best Papers & Proceedings.
(2009) Mockaitis, Audra I., Zander, Lena, Harzing, Anne-Will, with Barzantny, Cordula & 20 other co-authors, « Why Do Leaders Do What They Do? A 22-Country Study on Leadership Behavioral Intent », Paper accepted and presented at the 69th annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, August 06-12.
(2009) Mockaitis, Audra I., Zander, Lena, Harzing, Anne-Will, with Barzantny, Cordula & 20 other co-authors, «Why Do Leaders Do What They Do? A 22-Country Study on Leadership Behavioral Intent», Paper presented at the 50th annual meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB), College of Business Administration at San Diego State University, San Diego, USA, 27– 30 June 2009.
(2009) Barzantny, Cordula with Festing, Marion, Dowling, Peter J. and Engle, Sr., Allen D., «Addressing the lack of empirical data on global performance management: Developing a research strategy and assessing initial empirical evidence. A research note.», Paper presented at the 10th Conference on International Human Resource Management, Santa Fe, NM, 21- 24 June 2009.
(2008) Zander, Lena, with Barzantny, Cordula & 21 other co-authors, «Getting closer to the action: Examining leaders‟ behavioral intent with GLOBE‟s leadership dimensions across 22 countries», Paper presented at the 22nd ANZAM Conference, at The University of Auckland Business School, Auckland, New Zealand, 2-5 December 2008. Winner of the ANZAM International Management Stream Best Paper Award and the All-Conference ANZAM Best Paper Award 2008.
(2008) Reiche, Sebastian, Barzantny, Cordula & 24 other co-authors, «The emics and etics of trust building in manager-subordinate relationships: A cross-cultural journey» , Symposium proposal accepted and presented at the 68th annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, August 08-13. Symposium among the three finalists for the Emerald International Symposium Award 2008.
(2008) Mockaitis, Audra I., Barzantny, Cordula & 6 other co-authors, «Explaining cross-national differences in leadership behavior with cultural syndromes: a 22-country study», Paper presented at the 49th annual meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB), Milano, Italy, 30 June – 3 July 2008.
(2007) Harzing, Anne-Wil, Barzantny, Cordula & 21 other country collaborators «Ranking and Rating in Native-Language versus English–Language Questionnaires: a Methodological Comparison» paper accepted and presented at the EIBA annual conference, Catania, Italy, 13-15 December 2007. 12/20
(2007) Harzing, Anne-Wil, Barzantny, Cordula & 21 other country collaborators «Ranking versus Rating: What is the Best Way to Reduce Response and Language Bias in Cross-National Research? » paper accepted and presented for the ANZIBA Annual conference, Newcastle, Australia, 9-10 November 2007.
(2006) with Jie Li and Lawrence Gales « A Cross-Cultural Test of Colquitt‟s Four-Factor Justice Model: Comparing the United States, Taiwan and the People‟s Republic of China », paper accepted and presented at the 66th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, August 11-16.
Conference Presentation
(2011) Convener and Organizer for a Company Visit on behalf of the International Management Division, Corporate Relations Committee, to SouthWest Research Group and the Scuderi Group engine project, San Antonio, Texas, during the Academy of Management annual meeting on Monday 15 Aug 2011. Meeting and interaction with the Scudery Group Executive Board.
(2010) Conférence sur le thème « L‟Europe et la Mondialisation », ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, 9 December 2010.
(2010) Conférence HEC au féminin, Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées : 6 décembre 2010, intervention et participation à l‟Atelier 2 : La mixité au-delà des frontières.
(2010) Videoconference “urgent Diversity issues for Europe” addressed to the students of the Master of Social Work Program, School of Social Work & Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, 09 November 2010.
(2010) Chair, convener and organizer for the Academy of Management annual meeting in Montréal, Canada, Aug 6-10, 2010 PDW panel symposium session on Saturday, 7 Aug 2010 “ Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and Global Mindset (GloMi)– Can we get some light in the international jungle”
(2010) ASKO Europa Foundation : Participation au 12ième dialogue franco-allemand – Penser l‟Europe de demain: Face à la crise; la société civile, l‟Etat, l‟Europe. 6 au 7 mai 2010.
(2010) Videoconference “Diversity in the European Union” addressed to the students of the Master of Social Work Program, School of Social Work & Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, 9 March 2010.
(2009) Conférence sur le thème « L‟Europe et la Mondialisation », ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, 17 December 2009.
(2008) Conférence sur le thème « L‟Europe – Un acteur dans la Mondialisation? », ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, 18 December 2008.
(2008) “Methodology for the future - Cross-Cultural Management research and its publication: Challenges, traps and difficulties”, presented at the 1st International Conference on Cross-Cultural Leadership. Barcelona, Spain, 16 January 2008.
(2007) Conférence sur le thème « France – Europe – Monde : Les Enjeux de la Globalisation », ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, 08 November 2007.
(2007) Videoconference “Beyond Diversity in Europe” addressed to the students of the Master of Social Work Program, School of Social Work & Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, 11 September 2007. 14/20
(2007) Participation à la journée de Mise en lumière de l‟interculturel, le jeudi 31 mai 2007 « L‟interculturel à coeur » aux Musée des Abattoirs d‟Art Moderne, Toulouse. Présentatrice dans le panel sur le vécu de l‟interculturel et sa traduction pour l‟enseignement supérieur au 2ième Table Ronde sur l‟Interculturel & l‟Education.
(2007) «La recherche en gestion interculturelle et sa publication: défis, écueils et difficultés », présentation lors de la Journée de Recherche des Ateliers des Thésées (FNEGE), 11 May 2007, IAE de Toulouse.
(2006) Conférence sur le thème « L‟Europe et la Mondialisation – Le nouvel rôle pour l‟Europe », ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, 13 December 2006.
(2006) Conference on « Valuing Diversity »for CAPITOLIS Executive Education – EU training programme OHR Bosnia-Herzegovina for HRM professionals, 29 May 2006.
Cross-cultural management